Presenting my new inspiration, my new comer in life, something i've always wanted to own for the past 12years. A creature so cute and adorable besides cats and dogs. The Green Iguana! haih. I've been wanting it for so long! and now he's sound a sleep in the cage. How cute! I thought having an iguana is an easy pet to take care of. I was wrong!!! Its a very2 fragile animal and needs lots of attention. huhu..Lucky im a very2 SABAR person. MUAHAHAHA..(angkat bakul sendiri). Sebab dah suka sangat kat binatang, so kena sabar la kan. Here's some things about iguana that i should know and for extra knowledge of others.
Iguana Fact & Fiction
FICTION: Iguanas will only grow as large as the cage you keep it in. FACT: Iguanas that are *properly* cared for will reach 5-6 feet long no matter what size cage they are kept in.
FICTION: Iguanas should be fed lettuce. FACT: Lettuce has virtually no nutritional value. Iguanas need a very varied diet high in dark leafy greens, with vegetables and fruits added for variety.
FICTION: All I need is a heat light for my iguana.
FACT: Iguanas need two types of light, a heat light and a UVB light. Without sufficient UVB, iguanas cannot process the calcium in their diet and develop Metabolic Bone Disease and die.
FICTION: An aquarium light or ‘full spectrum’ light will provide enough UVB for my iguana.
FACT: Most bulbs marketed for fish, plant grow lights, or as ‘full spectrum’ bulbs do not produce enough UVB. Look for one that specifically states it produces at least 5% UVB, like ZooMed’s Iguana Light 5.0 or ReptiSun 5.0.
FICTION: My UVB bulb will last until it burns out.
FACT: Even though they continue to produce visible light, the UVB output of a bulb drops drastically over time. UVB tubes should be replaced every 6 months.
FICTION: Dog or cat food is good for my ig and will make it grow faster.
FACT: Iguanas are obligate herbivores. Their bodies cannot process animal protein (cat or dog food, meat products, insects, eggs, etc.). Iguanas fed animal protein do grow very fast, but die at an early age from kidney and liver failure.
FICTION: An aquarium/terrarium is a good home for an iguana.
FACT: Iguanas are arboreal (tree dwelling) animals and need a large cage with lots of height for climbing. A properly cared for iguana will outgrow any commercial aquarium within the first year or two. An adult iguana needs a cage at least 6 feet tall, 5 feet long, and 3 feet deep.
FICTION: Iguanas need a friend. I can keep 2 (or more) iguanas in the same cage.
FACT: Iguanas are solitary animals that prefer NOT to share their territory. Housing two iguanas in the same cage will cause dominance issues, and at worst the death of one or both iguanas. Iguanas can and do die from stress.
FICTION: I can keep other reptiles in the same cage as my iguana. (turtle, other lizard, etc)
FACT: You should never house different species together. Not only do they all have differing habitat requirements, but they can pass disease and parasites among each other, and can cause stress to each other.
FICTION: I don’t need to take my iguana to the vet, after all, it’s just a reptile.
FACT: Just like with any other pet, your iguana should see a veterinarian at least once a year. Reptiles hide signs of illness very well, and having your vet familiar with your healthy iguana will make it easier to pinpoint and diagnose problems if they do occur.
FICTION: My iguana will give me Salmonella.
FACT: Iguanas, like all reptiles, can carry the Salmonella bacteria. Salmonella is most often transmitted through the feces. Keeping your iguana and its enclosure clean and using common sense (such as washing your hands after handling your iguana) is usually sufficient to avoid salmonella. Statistically you are more likely to get Salmonella from undercooked chicken than from a reptile.
FICTION: Iguanas don’t have teeth.
FACT: Iguanas do have teeth, very similar to shark teeth. A full grown iguana can literally bite your finger off.
FICTION: Iguanas make good pets for children.
FACT: Iguanas do not make good pets for children. They grow very large, and have rather demanding care requirements. It also takes several months to a year of consistent work to tame and socialize an iguana.
FICTION: Iguanas are cheap pets.
FACT: Iguanas are very expensive to set up and maintain properly. Proper caging, food, heating, lighting, and humidity, along with vet bills, mean that the $15 iguana will cost at least several hundred dollars in the first year.
FICTION: Your iguana will not live more than two or three years.
FACT: Okay, that's a trick fact. Iguanas can live up to 20 years, but, only with proper care!
FICTION: Iguanas can't swim.
FACT: Ohhh, yes they can! Although a baby iguana won't like the water, all iguanas know how to swim, and will use the water as a method of flight.
FICTION: Iguanas can't be 'potty' trained.
FACT: Sure they can! It's called tubbing, and it is an efficient way of letting your iguana go to the bathroom, swim, and drink all combined. (of course, if we go potty first, you should really change the water...EW!)
FICTION: If I can't take care of my iguana anymore, I can just set him free.
FACT: NO! NO! NO! If you can't take care of your pet anymore, then you need to take him to a shelter or contact some animal agency to find a home that can properly take care of your ig. DO NOT SET HIM 'FREE'! The iguana will die, whether or not you like it, and it is illegal in most areas.
FICTION: Everything the pet store tells me is the right way to take care of an iguana.
FACT: You gotta be kidding. Pet stores, for the most part, don't know how to properly take care of an iguana. You need to research before you get the iguana, not after!
FICTION: My iguana will never trust me.
FACT: Sure he or she will, if you take good care of him/her and spend time with your new pet/friend.
FICTION: Iguanas are easy to tame.
FACT: Iguanas are very difficult to tame. Unlike cats and dogs who have been domesticated for hundreds of years, iguanas are not bred widely in captivity, and most are wild imports from South America. They are wild animals, and it takes a lot of time and patience to get them to tame down and trust humans. It is not uncommon for it to take six months to a year or more to tame an iguana.
FICTION: Hot rocks are a good heat source for iguanas.
FACT: No! Hot rocks are VERY dangerous for iguanas. Iguanas are arboreal creatures, designed to get their heat from above. They have very few pain sensors in their belly region, and can receive severe burns and even literally cook themselves to death on hot rocks. Hot rocks are also well known for shorting out and overheating, which can cause injury or death to iguanas.
FICTION: My iguana can get UVB through the window.
FACT: False. The spectrum of UVB that iguanas need does not pass through glass or plastic, and even most window screens cut out a lot of the beneficial UVB. Another danger of putting your ig's cage near a window is that the light coming in through the window can cause a glass cage to quickly overheat, killing your iguana.
FICTION: If I don’t have a male iguana, my female won’t lay eggs.
FACT: Female iguanas are rather like chickens in that they can lay infertile eggs whether or not a male is present. Iguanas in captivity often have difficulty egg laying, so if you suspect your iguana may be gravid (full of eggs) please have her checked out by a vet.
ini MY LITTLE DRACO. In short deco..hehe
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